It's been a while since Samsung Galaxy S4 has been released. Comparing to Samsung's latest flagship devices like Samsung Galaxy S5 and Note 4 it may seem a little bit sluggish as it's internal specs are not as fast as the new flagships but you still can make your Galaxy S4 run faster. So below are some tips to make your S4 run faster.
1. Update your Android version:
Android kitkat update was on the air few months ago. Some S4 users have complained that the kitkat update caused them a little bit problems. Yes, the Android Kitkat update is causing a little bit problem but we hope the Lollipop update will fix all the issues. The Lollipop update was announced for Samsung Galaxy S4 few months ago and its on the air in some regions. We don't know the reason why Samsung is taking time to release the Lollipop update in some regions. But if you are from those regions in which the update is still not available you can still get the update manually because the international update was released on Samsung's website.
Here is how to install Android Lollipop on Samsung Galaxy S4.
2. Optimize TouchWiz for the best performance:
Samsung's TouchWiz has its pros and cons but in some cases it slows down your Galaxy S4 due to some unnecessary effects. To turn them off you have to become the Developer of the GS-4. If you have already enabled the developer option then just go to the following:
Special note: If you are not still a developer or if you can't find the developer option in the settings then do the following:
TouchWiz is not the smoothest launcher in some cases so it would be a good practice to use third party app launcers like Nova Launcher, Go Launchers or others.
To Download Nova Launcher click here.
To download Apex Launcher click here.
4. Disable S Voice:
S voice is Samsung's voice control app. Its a great app and handy tool for daily use. But it may make your S4 run slow. So if you don't use the S voice its good to disable it. Because whenever you tap the home button the S voice eat's up some ram and waits for your second tap. So just disable the S voice if you don't use it. To do so go to Menu > Settings > Open via the home key and disable it.
5. DIable widgets:
Widgets are great. They make your phone look beautiful and they are handy also. But do you know they uses the battery and eats ram the most? So if you feel you don't need widgets then disable them.
To get the best results make sure you follow all the necessary steps carefully.
1. Update your Android version:
Android kitkat update was on the air few months ago. Some S4 users have complained that the kitkat update caused them a little bit problems. Yes, the Android Kitkat update is causing a little bit problem but we hope the Lollipop update will fix all the issues. The Lollipop update was announced for Samsung Galaxy S4 few months ago and its on the air in some regions. We don't know the reason why Samsung is taking time to release the Lollipop update in some regions. But if you are from those regions in which the update is still not available you can still get the update manually because the international update was released on Samsung's website.
Here is how to install Android Lollipop on Samsung Galaxy S4.
2. Optimize TouchWiz for the best performance:
Samsung's TouchWiz has its pros and cons but in some cases it slows down your Galaxy S4 due to some unnecessary effects. To turn them off you have to become the Developer of the GS-4. If you have already enabled the developer option then just go to the following:
- Go to Settings > More > Developer Options
- Find the Animation Scale, Transition Animation Scale and Animator Duration Scale options.
- Turn them all or reduce the scale. (By default it will be set on 1X).
Special note: If you are not still a developer or if you can't find the developer option in the settings then do the following:
- Go to About Device
- Scroll to Build Number
- Tap on build Number for five times
To Download Nova Launcher click here.
To download Apex Launcher click here.
4. Disable S Voice:
S voice is Samsung's voice control app. Its a great app and handy tool for daily use. But it may make your S4 run slow. So if you don't use the S voice its good to disable it. Because whenever you tap the home button the S voice eat's up some ram and waits for your second tap. So just disable the S voice if you don't use it. To do so go to Menu > Settings > Open via the home key and disable it.
5. DIable widgets:
Widgets are great. They make your phone look beautiful and they are handy also. But do you know they uses the battery and eats ram the most? So if you feel you don't need widgets then disable them.
To get the best results make sure you follow all the necessary steps carefully.
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