Last night I faced a problem with my pendrive. I was unable to copy or delete anything! It was really an annoying thing to me. I thought a quick format might fix the issue. So I tried to format my pendrive. But it was showing a strange message that "The drive is write protected".
So I tried searching the internet and I got this method:
1. Disabling write protect in usb pendrive and SD card:
In this method you have to work with the registry editor so be careful. You have to temporarily change permission through registry editor.
First open the registry editor by simply typing regedit in the search menue. If you are windows 8 user simply type regedit when you are in the start screen.
Next find the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". You will find this in the computer tab in the registry editor. Expand the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" folder.
Open the "SYSTEM" folder and then expand the "CurrentControlSet" folder. Then open the control folder. Find the "StorageDevicePolicies" folder. If you can't find it then create one. For creating this folder right click on the blank space of the "Control" folder and then new > Key. Name the folder with "StorageDevicePolicies".
Now open the "StorageDevicePolicies" folder and find the "WriteProtect" entry. Double click the file and change the “Value data” filed from 1 to 0. If the "WriteProtect" is not there then you have to create one. For that right click on the blank space, then New > DWORD. Now name that new file with "WriteProtect" and change the value to 0.
Restart you computer and VOA!
Special case: If you are facing this problem with your SD card then first find the lock button in you SD card. Some SD cards have lock button. This lock button some times causes the issue.
Source: WikiHow
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